Six tips for volunteers
Šest savjeta za volontere
tranzicija nije lagana, pa se na kraju mnogo ljudi odluči protiv toga jer
izgleda previše zastrašujuće. No, može biti i puna izazova te jedno od
najboljih životnih iskustava.
Ako ste došli na ideju da se odselite i započnete novo poglavlje u Zagrebu ESS
programa, onda svakako pročitajte neke savjete.
Ovdje smo da ti olakšamo te da ti boravak ovdje bude jednostavniji i jeftiniji.
1. Jeftino kupovanje hrane
mnoge dostupne trgovine gdje se može kupiti i gotova hrana, no najjeftini način
prehranjivanja je kuhanje.
Preko puta Centra Krugovi nalazi se tržnica Utrine gdje se može kupiti svježa i
zdravija verzija voća, povrća i mesa.
Jedan od najjeftnijih marketa je Lidl kojih ima nekoliko po gradu.
A ako si tip koji voli vegetarijansku/vegansku prehranu, postoji dućan pod nazivom Tvornica zdrave hrane u samom centru Zagreba.
2. Mjesta koje možeš posjetiti
Postoje nekoliko poznatih mjesta po Zagrebu koje je svakako dobro posjetiti. Voliš li planinariti, za tebe je svakako planina Sljeme smješteno na samom rubu grada. Za ugodnu šetnju tu su jezero Jarun, jezero Bundek i Savski nasip, a nedaleko od glavnog trga nalaze se park Ribnjak i park Maksimir uz ZOO.
Ukoliko si više gradski tip, svakako pogledaj kulturološke znamenitosti poput Trga bana Jelačića, Zrinjevac, HNK, Katedrale, te Gornjeg grada na kojem su poznati Muzej prekinutih veza i Markova crkva.
Voliš li
kina, kino Cinestar nudi povoljnije ulaznice srijedom. Sjeti se rezervirati na
vrijeme 😉
Kada ti dosadi Zagreb, možeš posjetiti gradić nedaleko od zapadne strane grada,
pod nazivom Samobor posebno popularan u vrijeme veljače.
3. Kafići
Svatko ima svoj ukus, ali postoje
neka mjesta koja su na dobrom glasu.
U poznatoj „ulici kafića“ (pravi naziv:Tkalčićeva ulica), nalaze se super
kafići poput Oliver Twist, Alcatraz i sl.
Oko Main Square nalaze još kafića, no među poznatima su Swanky, Rock klub
Pračka i sl.
Među klubovima: Metropolis i/ili Mochvara.
4. Prijevoz
staze u Zagrebu su dobre, naročito po Novom Zagrebu gdje se volontiranje
odvija, no ima djelova po Zagrebu gdje treba više pažnje. Ali bez obzira na to,
ovo je način prijevoza koji preporučam kao najefikasniji i najzdraviji.
Postoji gradski prijevoz (autobus i tramvaj) koji je uglavnom dobro
organiziran. Manje sreće imaju oni koji žive zaista daleko od centra.
Ako se nađeš u takvoj situaciji, preporučam pozvati taxi (Bolt ili Uber).
Odlučiš li koristiti međugradske prijevoze, imaj na umu da vlakovi nisu na
dobrom glasu.
5. Iskorištavanje edukacija
Kroz volotiranje imat ćeš mnogo prilika za nekoliko edukacija. Savjetujem da iskoristiš sve što te zanima, a možda i šire, jer sve može dobro doći.
6. Prijatelji
Napuštanje rodnog grada uvijek je stresno i velike su šanse da ćeš proći kroz kulturološki šok. Nastoj ostati u kontaktu s prijateljima i obitelji, ali nemoj se zatvarati za sticanje novih jer je moguće da ćete se kasnije opet i sresti.

Six tips for volunteers
No transition is easy, that is the reason why people avoid it. It can also be full of challenges and one of the best life experiences.
If you came up with the idea of moving out and starting a new chapter in the Zagreb EVS program, then be sure to read some tips.
We are here to make it easier for you to stay here and on a budget.
1. Cheap food shopping
There are many stores where you can buy cooked food, but the cheapest way of living is to cook for yourself.
Across from the Krugovi Center is the farmers market Utrine, where you can buy fresh and healthier versions of fruits, vegetables, and meat.
One of the cheapest markets is Lidl, there are several stores in the city.
And if you’re the type who loves the vegetarian/vegan diet, there’s a shop called Tvornica zdrave hrane near the Main Square.
2. Places to visit
are several famous places around Zagreb that are definitely worth a visit. If
you like hiking, Mount Sljeme is located at the very edge of the city.
For a pleasant walk, there is Lake Jarun, Lake Bundek, and the Sava embankment,
and not far from the Main Square is Ribnjak Park and Maksimir Park along with
the ZOO.
If you are more of a city type, be sure to look at cultural sites such as Main Square, Zrinjevac, HNK, Cathedral, and the Upper Town who is famous for the Museum of Broken Relationships and St.Mark’s Church.
If you like movies, Cinestar Cinema offers cheaper tickets on Wednesdays. Remember to book on time. 😉
If you get bored of Zagreb, you can visit a town not far from the western side of the city, called Samobor, especially popular during February.
3. Cafes
Everyone has their own taste, but there are some places that are well known.
In the famous “Café Street” (real name: Tkalčičeva Street), there are great cafes like Oliver Twist, Alcatraz, etc.
There are more cafes around Main Square, but the famous ones include Swanky, the Rock Club of Prachka, etc.
Famous clubs around the city are Metropolis and Mochvara.
4. Transport
Bike trails in Zagreb are good, especially around New Zagreb where volunteering takes place, but there are parts of Zagreb that need more attention. But no matter what, this is the way of transportation that I recommend as the most efficient and healthiest.
There is public transport (bus and tram) which is generally well organized. Less fortunate are those who live really very far from the center.
If you find yourself in such a situation, I recommend calling a taxi (Bolt or Uber).
If you decide to use interurban services, keep in mind that trains are among the worst.
5. Education through volunteering
Through volunteering, you will have many opportunities for several educations. I advise you to take advantage of everything that interests you, and maybe even more because everything can come in handy.
6. Friends
Leaving your hometown is always stressful and there is a good chance that you will go through a cultural shock. Try to stay in touch with your friends and family, but don’t get resist getting new ones because you may never know where life will take you.