Using, reusing and decorating art

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What can be made out of plastic cups?


As volunteers we have an opportunity to organize different kind of workshops, sometimes we can be really creative. Before Christmas we started our first workshops about crafts and recycling dedicated to children.



Preparing was a lot of fun, we had to think what to do with materials we had: plastic cups, bottle tops, straws, glue, papers…. I had to check, if I am still able to make artistic things. After trying different things and searching on Internet we decided to create a magical garden! Ok, during the workshops the idea has changed, it was better to leave some space for creativity.



Value of reusing


Nice part was giving a new life to used materials. With a little bit of imagination we can create nice decorations instead of throwing things away. We were learning the value of reusing and reducing trash, at least we could start with small steps – trying to think how many waste we are producing and be more aware.



Another positve thing is creativity. For young students workshop outside school can be a moment of free expression, so they can use imagination to create new things. I think we all had fun sticking plastic bottles, cups, papers and seeing results in the end. I hope we will use creativity in our lives šŸ™‚




Asia, Poland

