Crowdfunding kampanja “Krugovi na kotačima”
Pokrenuli smo crowdfunding kampanju „Krugovi na kotačima“, kojom želimo prikupiti sredstva za nabavu novih bicikala za volontere u radu s ranjivim skupinama.
Centar Krugovi već dugi niz godina pruža pomoć starijima i nemoćnima uz pomoć lokalnih volontera te EVS i ESS volotera. Ono što radimo je da odlazimo u posjete našim korisnicima i pružamo im pomoć u obliku nabave namirnica iz trgovine, odlaske u ljekarnu, šetamo s korisnicima, pomažemo im u kućanskim poslovima i sve što je potrebno da im olakšamo svakodnevni život.
Razlog zbog kojeg smo pokrenuli ovu kampanju je taj što volonteri koriste stare bicikle, koje smo im pružili i to želimo promijeniti, tako da se i volonteri osjećaju zadovoljno kroz svoj nesebičan doprinos zajednici. Stoga želimo uz Vašu pomoć i vašim donacijama prikupiti sredstva za nabavu novih bicikala, koji će upravo poslužiti u svrhu da volonteri što prije dođu do korisnika.
Naime, kroz proteklo vrijeme i trenutno stanje s epidemijom COVID-19 virusa, mogli smo čuti u medijima i našem susjedstvu da mnogi stariji i nemoćni trebaju pomoć i veliko hvala svima koji su odlučili priskočiti u pomoć. Volonteri kroz cijelu godinu upravo čine to i želimo biti spremni za sve nove i neočekivane situacije.
Zato vas pozivamo da se uključite u našu kampanju „Krugovi na kotačima“ i da ukoliko možete donirati, bili bi Vam beskrajno zahvalni.
Našu kampanju smo uz pomoć Regionalne energetske agencije (REGEA) plasirali na domaću crowdfunding platformu
Kompletnu kampanju možete pogledati na slijedećem linku:
“Zavrti kotač promjene”
Jer zadovoljan pojedinac stvara zadovoljno društvo.
Crowdfunding campaign – “Circles on the wheels”
We have launched a crowdfunding campaign called “Circles on the wheels”, which aims to raise funds to procure new bikes for volunteers working with vulnerable groups.
The Circle Centre has been providing assistance to the elderly and infirm for many years with the help of local volunteers, as well as EVS and ESS volunteers. What we do is that we go to visits to our users and provide them help in the form of grocery shopping, going to the pharmacy, walking with users, helping them with household chores and everything what is needed to make their daily lives easier.
The reason we launched this campaign is because volunteers use the old bikes that we have provided to them and we want to change that so that volunteers feel satisfied through their selfless contribution to the community. Therefore, with your help and your donations, we want to raise funds for the procurement of new bicycles, which will be used to help volunteers reach the user as soon as possible.
Indeed, over the past and present state of situations with the EPIDEMIC OF COVID-19 virus, we could hear in the media and in our neighborhood that many the elderly and the infirm need help and a great thank you to all who have decided to help. Our volunteers throughout the year are doing just that what we said and we want to be ready for all new and unexpected situations.
That’s why we invite you to join our “Circles on the Wheels ” campaign and if you can donate, we would be endlessly grateful.
We have placed our campaign with the help of the Regional Energy Agency (REGEA) on a domestic crowdfunding platform
The complete campaign can be viewed at the following link: