Moje ESS iskustvo – Daniel
Krajem prošle godine dobio sam poziv za volontiranje na projektu europskih snaga solidarnosti (ESS) u Krugovima. Projekt mi se činio zanimljivim, a budući da sam nekoliko godina razmišljao da odaberem projekt, odluka je pala na Zagreb i volontiranje u Hrvatskoj. Volontiranje na domaćem terenu je velika prednost i nije problem prilagoditi se i uklopiti. Budući da dolazim iz Petrinje, tek 50ak kilometara od Zagreba, bilo je potrebno samo priviknuti se na izazove koji veći grad pruža, a to je: autobusne i tramvajske linije, bolje upoznavanje grada, kultura u gradu i nova poznanstva.

Početak projekta je započeo u listopadu 2019. godine, a završava sad sredinom srpnja, tako da je bilo zanimljivo iskusiti volontiranje i okolinu kroz sva godišnja doba. Tijekom projekta naučio sam puno, od rada sa starijima i nemoćnima, rada s djecom, vođenje aktivnosti, o radu udruge i još puno svega. Najbolje je što sam u svemu imao podršku udruge i to jako puno znači.

Prilike za mlade poput ove su nešto što bi svaka mlada osoba trebala doživjeti. Ovo je iskustvo koje će ostati u lijepom sjećanju, a najviše zbog novih prijateljstava i uspomena koje su se dogodile. Osim aktivnosti u udruzi, bilo je puno slobodnog vremena, koje sam najviše volio iskoristiti u društvu drugih volontera.
Ova godina je bila nepredvidiva, od pandemije, potresa i drugih nepredvidivih situacija, ali nisam osoba koja se obazire na loše, nego samo na one dobre i lijepe događaje. Ovom poglavlju volontiranja je uskoro kraj, no zahvaljujući ovom iskustvu sam bogatiji kao osoba, od novih znanja i vještina, novih poznanstva, nove perspektive u životu i svega po malo.
My ESC experience – Daniel
At the end of last year I received an invitation for volunteering on the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) project in The Circles. The project seemed interesting to me, and since I spent several years thinking about choosing a project, the decision fell on Zagreb and volunteering in Croatia. Volunteering on home turf is a big advantage and it’s not a problem to adapt and fit in. Since I come from Petrinja, city only 50 kilometers from Zagreb, it was necessary only to get used to the challenges that the larger city offers, namely: bus and tram lines, better getting to know the city, culture in the city and new acquaintances.
The start of the project began in October 2019. It will end in mid-July, so it was interesting to experience volunteering and the environment through all seasons. During the project I learned a lot, from working with the elderly and infirm, working with children, conducting activities, about the work of the association and much more. The best part is that I’ve had the support of the association and it means a lot.

Opportunities for young people like this are something every young person should experience. This is an experience that will remain in a beautiful memory, and mostly because of the new friendships and memories that have occurred. In addition to the activities in the association, there was a lot of free time, which I liked most to use in the company of other volunteers.

This year has been unpredictable, from pandemics, earthquakes and other unpredictable situations, but I’m not a person who cares about bad, but only those good and beautiful events. This chapter of volunteering is almost over, but thanks to this experience I am richer as a person, from new knowledge and skills, new acquaintances, new perspectives in life and all by little.
Daniel Barukčić