Category: Learning process and Youthpass

Critical Workers Youth Exchange

CRITICAL WORKERS was a youth exchange aimed at empowering young people with competences and practical tools to prevent mobbing phenomena in their professional environment. During 7 days program 36 participants from Portugal, Ukraine, Czechia, Croatia, Spain and Poland will be involved in activities based on non formal education methods such as discussions, group tasks,  theatre of oppressed, presentations and creative...

Our mid-term evaluation meeting in Split

From 29th June to 2nd July, the participants of European Solidarity Corps projects from Krugovi and several other organisations in Croatia, met in Split for the midterm evaluation meeting organised by the National Agency (Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU). When we found out about the meeting, we were quite excited, especially considering that we haven’t had an in-person meeting...

How to find and apply for an ESC volunteering project

Last year, as I was approaching my university graduation, I realized I wasn’t too keen on finding a regular job in my city right away. I wanted to have another (after my Erasmus study exchanges) international experience, try something new and I thought volunteering might be a good opportunity to do that. Soon I found out about the European Solidarity...

Prevencija poremećaja u ponašanju

U proteklih 9 mjeseci u Krugovima puno vremena provela sam radeći s djecom koja pokazuju moguće poremećaje u ponašanju. S djecom sam se susretala kroz razne radionice  i pomoć u učenju i gotovo uvijek djeca pokazuju ponašanje koje nije primjereno za njihovu dob i mjesto u kojem se trenutno nalaze. Što su poremećaji u ponašanju? Poremećaji u ponašanju definiraju se...

Asertivna komunikacija

Dobra komunikacija je ujedno i uspješna komunikacija između dvije ili više osoba.Ključ je iznijeti cilj na način da se jasno prenese informacija (mišljenje ili emocija), no jednako je važno da slušatelj tu poruku i shvati. Komunikacija je moćan alat te pomoću toga možemo riješiti konflikte, izgraditi odnose, povjerenje, prijateljstvo i sl. Dobra komunikacija temelj je svakog odnosa i ona se...


Jedna od najbitnijih stavki ESS programa je proces učenja. Kao programi koji su namijenjeni pripremi mladih za tržište rada, neophodno je doći do saznanja o vlastitom učenju – što nam najviše pomaže, koje metode koristimo kako bismo najefikasnije nešto naučili…  Tijekom cijelog programa, imamo priliku dobiti pomoć od mentora, koristiti razne alate pripremljene od strane Nacionalne Agencije i udruge koja...

Why we should all care about protecting the environment

The need for environment protection and slowing down climate change are topics that have been brought up over and over again for many years now. It is clear that the way we as a society live our lives is not sustainable and causes more and more damage to our planet. This is already affecting all of our lives in multiple...

The City of Goodness

Many women around the world suffer from abuse and other problems every day. They need support like no one else. With this aim in Ukraine is created The City of Goodness – women and children international support center. Homeless mothers, mothers from orphanages, mothers crushed by domestic violence and indifference will find shelter and support there. Each mother will receive...