Category: Volunteer experience

Broadening your perspectives with YouTube – creators with disabilities and chronic illnesses

The statement that watching videos on the internet can not only be a form of entertainment and an easy way to waste some time, but also a wonderful way to learn, is old news at this point. However, people still often tend to forget that the learning is not limited just to typical “educational videos”.  YouTube, being an international platform...

What my international experiences gave me – a personal look

In my previous article (you can find it HERE) I shared some benefits that I see in having international experiences. While all of those apply to me as well, this time I wanted to share more of my personal experience. Here are just a few things that working, studying and living “international” gave me. More confidence and feeling independent I...

Demencija i rad s ljudima koji boluju od nje

Provodeći vrijeme s dementim osobama primjetila sam da ne znam puno o toj bolesti i isto tako ne znam kako se nositi s njom. Često nisam znala kako reagirati u određenim situacijama i osjećala sam se nekompetentno raditi s takvim osobama jer nisam znala kako im pružiti brigu i pažnju. Odlučila sam da mi je potrebno dodatno istražiti što je...

What international experiences can give you – a subjective list

Since I was a kid, I loved learning foreign languages and I was fascinated by the possibility to travel and see places, people and cultures different from what I knew from home. Despite growing up in a very small town, I was lucky to have a chance to participate in youth exchange for the first time already when I was...

Odvlačenje pažnje

Postoje određene stvari koje svi nama odvlače pažnju kada trebamo da rješavamo svoje obaveze, bilo to za posao ili učenje. Nemamo dovoljno koncentracije, volje i motivacije. Potrebno je da jasno odlučimo šta nam to odvlači pažnju i krade naše vrijeme. Nedovoljna sposobnost slušanja otežava nam rad, te tako nastaju propusti i nedovršene aktivnosti koje ostavljamo za idući put. Ključ svega...