Monthly Archive: March, 2021

Why we should all care about protecting the environment

The need for environment protection and slowing down climate change are topics that have been brought up over and over again for many years now. It is clear that the way we as a society live our lives is not sustainable and causes more and more damage to our planet. This is already affecting all of our lives in multiple...


Radna uspješnost se definira kao “evaluacija rada zaposlenih prema unaprijed zadatim standardima”. Standardi su kategorizovani u tri grupe, gdje se neki više odnose na proces rada, a drugi na ishod. Te grupe standarda su: bihejvioralni (npr. kvalitetno pisanje izvještaja), personalni (osoba je ambiciozna, organizovana, asertivna) i usmjereni na kriterijum (ogleda se u npr. broju prodatih artikala). Ocjenjivanje uspješnosti zaposlenika, ili...

The City of Goodness

Many women around the world suffer from abuse and other problems every day. They need support like no one else. With this aim in Ukraine is created The City of Goodness – women and children international support center. Homeless mothers, mothers from orphanages, mothers crushed by domestic violence and indifference will find shelter and support there. Each mother will receive...